
Note: It's 2011

How did that happen? I am pretty sure that this year up and decided to creep up too quickly. If you would have said to me a year ago, "Hey Nancy, in one year you will be typing on your computer 7,000 miles away in Busan, South Korea. You'll live there and will be teaching the cutest kids in the world." I would have probably laughed at you.

Every year I do this life-in-summary sort of thing where I literally type up everything I can remember from the year ending so that I have some sort of log. I started it in 2007 and titled it "Just thinkin..." in my word documents. Today I started up my 2010 log and realized this thing is getting an excessive amount of long. I am talking like 50 typed pages. Do I really have that much to say? Maybe I need to talk more throughout the year so my logs aren't just a big gathering of rambles about this and that. As weird as this little tradition of mine may be, I must say it is pretty interesting to go back and read. So much happens as we go along. It's pretty amazing to see situations pan out, friendships grow, and heartbreaks mend. I think it might be good therapy for the soul to see where you have come from. I think each year I have come to the conclusion that this life thing simply doesn't make much sense. Then again, I guess we were never promised that it would.

All this to say, I am excited for a new year. I am excited for new adventures and relationships to be built. It's so bittersweet the way life gives and takes away. So I guess we should endure the bitter and taste the sweet when we can and while we can. Things will not ever stay the same that they are now, nor will they go back to a way they used to be. So, take on the changes and live intentionally, my friends.

Here are some of my resolutions:

- Go to the beach more.
I live so close, like a 15 minute walk. And yet, I find myself there on only random occasions. It may be freezing right now, but there is something really brilliant about watching the waves crash on the shore. While I am privileged enough to live this close, I should probably take advantage of the brilliance.

- Trust the people in my life.
It is really easy for me to close myself off from people. Sometimes I believe the lie that if I don't say anything, people will understand me in my silence. As much as I believe in the "Sound of Silence" (thanks Simon and Garfunkel), I have also learned that my silence, in times when I need support most, is generally misunderstood. So I will trust, knowing that people fail me, but also knowing that they will encourage me despite the inability to make things completely better.

- Practice my German.
More than anything I want to become somewhat fluent in German and move to beautiful Österreich or Germany at some point in my adventures. I love languages and cultures, it's so important to take the time to learn the culture you love and are passionate for. As far as my English will get me (i.e. Korea...), it also seems pretty arrogant to assume that everyone wants to learn my language in order to get to know me.

- Strum a little.
I played guitar, complete with lessons, at one point in my life. Let's just say that it doesn't happen so often anymore. I think I'll be pickin' (ha, get it??) it back up this year.

- Blog it up.
I really enjoy putting my little thoughts on here. The only problem lately has been the fact that I do it so rarely that it is quite the task to "update". So, I will be blogging more often [hopefully]. So please feel so inclined as to leave a little comment here and there to keep me fueled up :)

I am sure that more will come to me. As for now, this is the list. Don't want to make it too long, I feel my chances of resolution success are dependent on the length of my list.

So for now, we will keep it short and sweet.

1 comment:

  1. Keep the blogs coming, it allows me the blessing of being inside your heart when I am 7,000 miles away. Wish I could be closer to process all the words you are "just thinkin", I pray that someday God will bring you in more direct proximity to my physical being. Until then I will hold you in my heart and in my prayers my precious one.
    With love from HOME, your mom (moo)
