
Good books,
like good friends, are few and chosen;
the more select, the more enjoyable.
-- Louisa May Alcott

Wisdom from the author of the wonderful little novel Little Women. It brings me to ask, what are the "good books" in your library?

I have to say my favorite books over the past year or so have been:
1. Life of Pi
2. The Book of Lost Things
3. Peter Pan

All are brilliant, imaginative, and they suck you in before you know it. Which, in my opinion, are the best kind of books.

1 comment:

  1. i agree lovely lady! so good to see your shining smiling face this week!

    i haven't read your top 3 faves, but must!!

    i just started a new book, "Idelette" and it's sucking me in! Ah..so the best!! Reading more is on my goal list for this year..I love to read, but have always never the time..I hope to change that this year!
