
Inspiration: [the product of freezing cold temperatures]

It is officially 17 days into the new year. I have written 2010 on the board about a thousand times already, but I am getting better at remembering it's 2011. More than anything in the past 17 days I have had a lot of time to myself. To process. To pray. To rest. To create. It has been so incredibly cold. I hear that it is the coldest winter in the complete history of Busan. Naturally, it would happen when little ole me comes to stay for a year. So, in my efforts to start off the new year with as little complaints as I can, I have taken all of the precautions to endure this beast of a winter. I have purchased a Korean "puffy coat", the fake Ugg boots, the sweater tights, and the hat with a pom-pom on the tippity top. Whilst curled up in my floor-heated apartment, I started sneaking through the spastic stylings of Keri Smith through her book on exploration (see above). Thus, I decided it was time to start on the newest creations!

Aside from the warm clothing I have been drinking an embarrassing amount of honey citron tea. It's the most amazing stuff. It looks like jam. But low and behold you place it in a mug, boil some water, and stir. It is made from the Korean citron fruit. It's basically a morphed lemon and orange fruit. Yeah, that's right. Be jealous.

Now, here is a confession. I have not exactly been on the healthiest sleeping schedule in the world. Call me crazy or blame it on my 5 cup a day minimum of coffee. I am obsessed with knitting. I stumbled on this tiny little closet of a yarn store in the market across the street last week and have not stopped living and breathing patterns since. I joined an awesome knitting network site called "ravelry". I highly recommend it if you are a knitter or crochet-er(?).

On Saturday afternoon, a girl from church had some of us over for "crafting day". It was really fun just getting to eat sweets, have good conversation, and create away! Just what my little inspired heart has been needing.

The fruit of my little bit of labor this week was some fingerless gloves. They are super cozy and warm. Perfect for running errands and being able to press the buttons on my non-predictive text Korean cell phone. Unfortunately the high winds took advantage of my exposed fingers in the process. Needless to say: I will wear them when the breeze is not quite so present.

The yarn was super fuzzy and cozy. Just look at those little frizzles!
I also made these little flowers. I don't have a picture on here but on my facebook page you can see them! The pattern was so simple and they took like 5 minutes to make each one!

Snapped Photos: Click here to see the first, and here for the second!

Ah yes, well this is the news of the week. Aren't you all proud of my updating passion in the blogging world? I am probably talking to myself -- but we'll just view it as a form of therapy for the soul.

One last thing. I have 13 minutes left of Monday and I want to leave you with the "Monday Quote". My fabulous sister got me the complete poems of Emily Dickinson. She is my absolute favorite female poet. Here is a tidbit of wisdom for you to start your week off with:

The Bird her punctual music brings
And lays it in its place --
Its place is in the Human Heart
And in the Heavenly Grace --
What respite from her thrilling toil
Did Beauty ever take --
But Work might be electric Rest
To those that Magic make --

Brilliance, aye?


  1. nancy! ...i ALWAYS read your blog. so consider me your therapist. haha! sometimes it just takes me a couple days to catch up =)

  2. I am reading too, and treasuring every word in my heart. I miss you terribly. come home to america and lets start our own store of craftiness and inspiration somewhere.

  3. oh nancy. this post made me miss you most of all. i love reading your thoughts. love you.

  4. nancy, nancy! you look beautiful in that picture!
