
Spider-free living

A story to give you statesiders reason enough (as if you don't have enough reason already) to visit me in Korea:

As I was putting on my extremely fashionable red polo for work, I looked down and saw a black something or other. Being the experienced Texan that I am, I immediately went into anti-spider combat. I busted out my Walker Texas Ranger moves only to find it was just a black fuzzy from a sweater. Upon this experience I soon realized that it has been months, literally -- MONTHS, since I have actually seen a spider. In fact, the only spiders I have seen in Korea have been on hikes.

At home, I would say I saw an average of 5 spiders/week. I have to say, this is not something I miss about home and definitely something I love about Korea.

So how about the most random blog post ever? Just trying to give you a little incentive to find your way across the ocean....


  1. woooohoooo! bugs are not one of my favorite things in the world :)

  2. Just sayin', that's a huge incentive to move there!
